Latest Releases
The latest release history in reverse chronological order.
2024-08-24: Update 2.23.140 - End Game Statistics & AFK Calculations
- End Game Statistics: also displaying number of troops and structures constructed.
- End Game Statistics: animated icon indicating victory & loss.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: New Droid Billing Version 7.0.0.
- Maintenance: DEV-mode shows all the scenarios incl. hidden ones (for development).
- Maintenance: better detection of slavic languages (for translation verifications).
- Bugfix Crashes: when relevant graphics are missing (renderer). Logged as ERROR.
- Bugfix Crashes: when selected entity became 'null' (unit name rendering crashed).
- Bugfix Crashes: when starting a random game and no open scenarios where available.
- Bugfix: update for end-game calculation properly considering AFK players (they end at the bottom).
- Bugfix: misc. improvement for AI to be able to handle multiple game-world objects (not limited to the one).
2024-07-08: Update 2.22.137 - Save Games & Restart of LAN Games
- Engine v.06: Additional functionality for upcoming alien race. Also, fixes multiple bugs as listed below.
- Save-Games: in addition to the already existing auto-save functionality, it's now possible to save custom restore points when a game is paused (single player).
- LAN-Games: now automatically saved and can be played again at a later date (via save-file).
- AI Updated: implemented unfolding of barracks/factories and such for upcoming alien race.
- Balancing: jeeps take 5x less damage when hitting trees.
- Modding: some things have changed -> please update your maps & upload them again, thanks!
- Modding: option to only show certain units for specific factions in editor but have them unlimited while playing.
- Modding: option to disable tech reset for certain factions (custom config, e.g. upcoming Aliens).
- Modding: hosted units can be permanently attached to host, with auto-regeneration always enabled.
- Modding: underwater units with limited distance can auto-attack also.
- Modding: option to disable scouting when auto-movement is enabled.
- Graphics: render performance update via improved shader switching (less).
- In-Game Manual: large texts including the in-game manual now come with a jump-list to quickly go to specific topics (usability).
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: logging system improved.
- Maintenance: Alipay disabled (backend library was deprecated - pending impl. of new system).
- Maintenance: New Droid SDK version 35 (from 33).
- Bugfix: troops only attack what they can damage (e.g. helicopters don't attack landmines anymore).
- Bugfix: improved logging for crashes when starting a game.
- Bugfix: refueling was calculated wrong for large numbers (32bit integer overflow).
- Bugfix: no melee attacks if hosted in building or movable.
- Bugfix: air units would not (auto-)attack troops and structures if they were to close (improper target height given).
- Bugfix: transformation effect timing wasn't always right (too much delayed).
- Bugfix: transforming units moving into proper position when transforming to a structure.
- Bugfix: auto-regeneration on e.g. aircraft carrier wasn't always being triggered (additional checks added).
- Bugfix: stealth bombers should return to host quicker, without circling over target too much.
- Bugfix: last update time for save-game was not properly updated (minor).
- Bugfix: sound FX were not always played if they were shared with other units.
- Bugfix: fixed the game's REST API, so the game listing did return actual games (rather than an exception).
2024-04-29: Update 2.21.135 - New Avatar Generators & Menu UI
- Avatar Generator: updated with additional components such as Viking Helmet, Pirate Hat, Rabbit Ears, Cat Ears, Maid Hat and such.
- Avatar Gen. "Pig", "Dog" and "Frog": new avatar generators added representing a pig, dog and frog heads with corresponding customizations.
- Avatar Gen. "Chimp", "Bunny", "Rhino", "Cat", "Elephant", "Crocodile" and "Bear": new avatar generators.
- Balancing: Major Tom can also be healed in the barracks.
- Menu UI: Announcement button icon updated (clip) for clarity it doesn't represent the chat.
- Level of Detail: minimum level of detail is now "few" (not "none" for all platforms).
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: misc. fixes for texts (e.g. male and female switched in translation guide).
- Maintenance: update for permission system (server).
- Maintenance: "PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy" privacy info file added (iOS).
- Bugfix: improved link-handling, i.e. when already handled, we don't pass it on further (e.g. user://).
- Bugfix: tournaments were not properly working when AI players were participating.
- Bugfix: some animated images were not properly garbage collected and could still stay retained (causing out of memory errors).
- Bugfix: proper safe area insets for mobile (Droid & iOS).
- Bugfix: proper alignment of laser beam (wrongly calculated for rendering).
- Bugfix: calculating cropped image (for mirrored frames).
- Bugfix: multiplayer setup option "Last Joinable" & "Game Start" (e.g. auto) were not available.
- Bugfix Crashes: badly formatted strings could produce a stack overflow.
- Bugfix Crashes: when tyring to find attack-target for a unit that doesn't have armaments.
2024-02-25: Update 2.20.133 - Menu UI Improved, FAST Tournaments & Initial Truce
- Tournaments: there is now the option to create tournaments for FAST games. An indicator by the chat has been added to show if one has to be aware that the tournament can have multiple rounds. Please advice on other hints required (as needed)?
- Initial Truce: an "Initial Truce" can be set during game setup to define how long no attacks can happen at the start of the game.
- UI: multiplayer section directly lists joinable games with option to create new games. The announcements and existing games are now available above the chat.
- UI: improved the multiplayer account settings to make them more compact (clarity).
- UI: improved layout, fonts, etc. of misc. other UI components to make them more streamlined (clarity). Generally, things were moved, not removed.
- Passwords: indicator if a password was set when logging in via e.g. Steam (to show if one needs to be set for cross-platform login). Only works for new accounts!
- Fair-Play: Duels cannot be started early (a second player needs to join).
- Graphics: Spy Balloon graphic updated.
- Graphics: Napalm effect reduced for performance.
- Victory UI: improved layout for team-games.
- Victory UI: shows if a game was rated or not.
- Victory UI: also provides info about map used (via link).
- Victory UI: info [i] button added with a few more details (e.g. when/if entries are deleted).
- Scenario UI: coloring of buttons updated (more harmonic).
- Input: long-touch delay decreased from 1100ms to 500ms (e.g. for showing tooltips & popup menus).
- Manual: info added that clans are currently limited to 64 members max.
- Steam DLC: should now also be added to an account and work cross-platform (trial implementation).
- Login Problems: updated the error popup with a suggestion to reboot and a link to the actual server status (for verification).
- Moderation: admin terminal moved into admin controller.
- Translations: option to not show the translation by the original English if the translation is e.g. not 95% complete. See "Language Requirement" option in settings.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: misc. spelling bugfixes.
- Language: make sure too long texts don't overlap (cut via "...").
- Credits: listing eos4j & discord-game-sdk4j.
- Maintenance: improved logging for the game updater service.
- Maintenance: remotes.conf without port number (auto-determined).
- Maintenance: improved handling of URLs, HTTP(s), WS(S), hosts and ports (clarity).
- Maintenance: improved common code in play and map management (reduced duplications across games).
- Bugfix: web socket on WEB backend stopped working (force-switched data exchange from binary to string).
- Bugfix: transitioning between multiplayer games didn't properly restore the chat/etc.
- Bugfix: Victory table only counts each AI category once (otherwise problems adding to DB due to constraint issues).
- Bugfix Server: reducing broker service disk space from 20GB to 8GB.
- Bugfix Crashes: when testing a game and the account was 'null' (invalid).
- Bugfix Crashes: when going to an invalid previous slide in a comic.
- Bugfix Crashes: when provided transformation model was 'null' for a trigger.
2024-01-03: Update 2.19.123 - Bugfix Landmines, Balancing, Victory Table
- Engine v.05: fixes multiple bugs as listed below. Default for single player but will take effect later for multiplayer games.
- Battle Map 05: some bottlenecks removed (minor).
- Balancing: Jet Fighters & Helicopters about 25% cheaper.
- Balancing: all landmines can be shot at when under construction!
- Ratings: new DUEL rating added. Will get rated if you play a duel.
- Victories: there is now a list of last victories available for regular games as well as official minor & major events (accessible via multiplayer screen).
- UI: Optimized the dual-column layout (more for the main component).
- UI: scenario listing update without a popup (directly listed when a map gets selected).
- UI: scenario filter also filters the actual scenarios.
- Menu UI: moved the game statistics into the [Modding] section.
- Moderation: minor streamlining for Admin Terminal.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Bugfix: landmines under constructions (especially nuclear landmines) cannot be triggered and exploded.
- Bugfix: objects under construction (e.g. landmines), don't have full armor yet and can be destroyed (no integer overflow).
- Bugfix: properly disabling DEBUG-logging when building the asset binary (for performance).
- Bugfix: destroying the spy balloon shouldn't have spawn soldiers (also explosion effect reduced).
- Bugfix: calculation of max. clan players for team games was wrong.
- Bugfix Crashes: logging of problem about object before it is garbage collected.
- Bugfix Crashes: when trying to start a game which wasn't fully setup yet.
- Bugfix Crashes: increased max. memory to 1536MB (from 768MB).
2023-12-23: Update 2.18.122 - Scenario Listing, Balancing & Bugfixes
- Scenario Icons: increased the size to better show how the scenario looks like (scenario selection).
- Campaign Listing: the campaigns are now listed directly (without having to click the map first).
- Build Robots (Fix): the build robots could get stuck, i.e. not moving if a build location just had gates as neighbor. Engine needs to be set to "v.04" during game setup (default for single player).
- Plane Crashes (Fix): the limited fuel planes should not move to e.g. airfields that are out of range and thus crash. Engine needs to be set to "v.04" during game setup (default for single player).
- Balancing: Nuclear Landmine now takes 4 minutes to build by a single builder. Prevents spamming nuclear landmines.
- Balancing: Turrets have slightly more HP (ca. +20%).
- Balancing: Anti-Air Turrets shoot faster (ca. +25%).
- Balancing: Fighter Jet slightly stronger against missiles (ca. +15%).
- Balancing: Helicopter quite a bit stronger against missiles (ca. +25%).
- Modding: please update your maps to have the larger scenario icon format and latest balancing etc.
- Engine Version: for multiplayer matches, when viewing a game, it now also shows the engine version a game uses. E.g. "Engine v.04".
- Account Management: additional final warning popup added when one wants to erase an account. Accounts cannot be restored!!!
- Moderation: deletion of active/ongoing games are now shown as notification in the moderator area.
- Language: word censor updated with a few more words.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Bugfix: update for render pool updater, i.e. making sure only actively run once (not multiple times).
- Bugfix: making sure the tutorial completion is successfully recorded!
- Bugfix: dithering for scenario icons produced artifacts.
- Bugfix: information if scenario is randomly generated or not was not saved and always shown as non-random.
- Bugfix Crashes: preventing crashes due to map version mismatches in editor when running the simulator.
2023-12-16: Update 2.17.121 - Game Setup UI & Unlimited Building
- Game Setup: team name is shown next to faction name (if there is a team). Improves clarity on who plays together.
- Game Setup: option to enable "Unlimited Building" during game setup, i.e. more than one ore refinery can be placed per sector. Engine needs to be set to "v.03" during game setup (default for single player).
- UI: Condensed the AI setup options to be more compact (UI clarity). Just expand to get the full options (they have not been removed!).
- Statistics: showing how many newly registered accounts per the past 24h hours also (in addition of daily unique users).
- Battle Map 04: 3 vs. AI scenario added (minor).
- Moderation: the "Admin Guide" now contains a section about featuring maps with points of consideration.
- Moderation: "TOP" games are not considered as unfair games given they are mandatory for top players (relationship table).
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- OpenBSD/etc.: general support for OpenBSD, FreeBSD and NetBSD (needs the generic version from the website to run). Also needs proper natives supplied by the player in addition (currently not out of the box).
- Maintenance: unused imports removed (code cleanup).
- Maintenance: for multiplayer, removed the option to set the weekdays and hours per day where a game can be played. Removes the potential of early game removal (inactive timer).
- Bugfix: Scenario icons were created wrongly, especially for wide maps. Please re-save your map & re-upload with corrected icons if you think they look wrong!
- Bugfix: System tray notifications disabled on Steam as they can cause problems during updates or uninstalls.
- Bugfix Crashes: the game could crash when joining a LAN game using an older version of a map due to resources missing. The game informs now to update the map.
2023-12-10: Update 2.16.117 - Balancing & Graphics Update
- Game Setup: option to disable super weapons during game setup, i.e. orbital base stations. Engine needs to be set to "v.02" during game setup (default for single player).
- Team Games: for private games, there is no restriction for clan members as to which team they play in.
- Statistics: user statistics, i.e. how many players are ONLINE over a day/weak/year are now available (recording just started, so older statistics are currently not available).
- Balancing: "Robo Repairer" renamed to "Robo S-Repairer" to better indicate it repairs structures (not robos).
- Graphics: snowy transitions updated.
- Graphics: palm tree shadows updated.
- Graphics: computer terminal with red lights (previously white).
- Graphics: snowy plateau roofs updated.
- Graphics: Christmas tree updated (more presents).
- Graphics: Snowman added.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: TeaVM backend for webapp updated to 1.0.0-b8 (from b6).
- Maintenance: simplified server startup config (DB, DB-DAEMON, HTTP on/off)
- Bugfix: "Reset Tech" option now also works for random games (re-added tech when random was chosen).
- Bugfix: making sure to properly end the first tutorial before advancing to the next tutorial to prevent the ADVANCED tutorial from working.
- Bugfix: text files can now also be opened on Mac OS X.
- Bugfix: screen layout now considers notches/screen insets when rendering in-game UI components.
- Bugfix: pinch-drag fixed so it works now (wrong angles taken).
- Bugfix: sound FX & music converted to mono (from stereo) as needed.
- Bugfix: default option to turn troops trading on/off was wrongly mapped.
- Bugfix: selecting a nuke did not set the mode to targetting on touch-mode (manual button-selection was required).
- Bugfix Crashes: when checking a non-movable if it's in the same sector during map selection.
- Bugfix Crashes: when viewing owner information for an object that was just destroyed!
- Bugfix Crashes: when placing units next to the beach in the editor (and not suitable beach location was found).
- Bugfix Crashes: when a research icon was missing ('null' pointer).
2023-11-18: Update 2.15.108 - Release Candidate for Nov. 25, 2023
- Chapter 01-07: updated incl. graphics!
- Tutorial: misc. fixes to prevent the tutorial from getting stuck.
- Graphics: Boulders & Rocks with different look when placed in a cave.
- Graphics: Derek Edwards without insignia (regular soldier).
- Graphics: Speaker dialogue graphic added (unknown speaker).
- Graphics: Mission failed character updated.
- Graphics: Sand Tiles updated.
- Graphics: Vehicle Relics updated.
- Graphics: Warning Sign & Book updated.
- Graphics: Cave Ground updated.
- Graphics: Snowy Bushes updated.
- Graphics: Concrete Blocks updated.
- Graphics: Ancient Rocks updated.
- Graphics: Train Wreck updated.
- Graphics: Skyscraper Relics updated.
- Graphics: Old Furniture updated (tables, chairs etc.).
- Graphics: Head icons updated.
- Graphics: Mowed wall updated.
- Graphics: Roads updated (standalone).
- Graphics: Fence added.
- Menu UI: slightly improved title headers.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: libGDX library updated to 1.12.1 (maintenance release).
- Maintenance: Google Play next generation "Player IDs" enabled.
- Bugfix Crashes: creating game in separate thread at setup screen (to prevent ANRs).
- Bugfix: can capture civilian structures if owned by other player but at 0-health.
- Bugfix: movement calculation when capturing and building was wrong (going to invalid locations).
- Bugfix: accumulators are properly counted when building (fixed the trigger).
2023-10-28: Update 2.14.107 - Balancing, Graphics & Bugfixes
- Victory Condition: ignoring neutral structures & troops when calculating victory percentage (some games were difficult to get to end).
- Campaign Maps: CH01-03 updated.
- Campaign: Dialogue character for Penelope Johnson added.
- Campaign: separate "Major Tom" character graphic integrated.
- Modding: additional tutorial regarding campaign modding at
- Graphics: gas extractor updated (new look).
- Graphics: car wrecks updated (new look).
- Graphics: some head icons updated (e.g. AI).
- Graphics: back screen for popup updated (bluer animated computer).
- Graphics: destroyed gunboats added.
- Graphics: sunken ships added.
- Graphics: animated cloth added.
- Graphics: Thaurium weeds added.
- Graphics: misc. updates for rocks, trees, etc.
- Balancing: orbital satellite stations cheaper (~20% cheaper for orbital laser etc.)
- Balancing: boulders & other elements weaker (less HP).
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: update to run servers on ARM64.
- Maintenance: update to run servers on Debian 12.
- Maintenance: updated hardware info utility (OSHI 6.4.5).
- Maintenance: gdx-pay library updated to 1.3.6.
- Bugfix: maps not listed under "Scenario" when they were no scenarios available (i.e. just the campaign).
- Bugfix: Torpedoes were not able to attack structures (wrong collision detection).
- Bugfix Crashes: trying to send wall message when the user account is 'null'.
2023-09-18: Update 2.13.101 - Spy Balloon, Sandworms & Fishes
- Campaign: all attacks will cease once a mission is over (otherwise, characters could still be eliminated after a successful mission).
- Spy Balloon: new unit added to ELC Tech including a new research item "Balloons".
- Fishes: spawn areas for fishes added (only if ALL effects are turned on).
- Sandworms: eye candy animation added for sandworms.
- Balancing: Tactical Submarine with nukes takes more research points to research.
- Balancing: tanks are now +70% stronger against bullets.
- Balancing: dogs without about -20% health/HP (were too strong).
- Graphics: old phone booth added (relics).
- Graphics: Buoy added (deco for water).
- Graphics: Old fountain added (relics).
- Graphics: new statue added (game developer).
- Graphics: some animations/graphics updated.
- Graphics: research icons updated.
- Graphics: leaf trees updated (previous version shading).
- Sound FX Updated: e.g. new effect for sniper.
- Sync. Issues: fixed a problem where the temp. squad speed could be wrong due to the changing nature of it's members.
- Hot-Wired Robos: don't exit the Assault Robot randomly anymore to conduct personal melee attacks.
- Annihilation (Objective): will now end earlier if enough enemy troops are eliminated!
- Screenshot Button: long-touch (or long-press) also activates the camera button that takes screenshots even if a popup is above the button.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: improved logging of WARN or ERROR (reduced normal errors to INFO).
- Maintenance: main wall for posting now has the spam filter enabled!
- Maintenance: setting server max. memory now automatically based on device memory available.
- Maintenance: disabled the option on the server to stop showing full stacktraces for null pointers if duplicates.
- Maintenance: auto-restart of server services in case they get killed (e.g. low memory).
- Development: editor button on menu "Home" screen (during development for easy access).
- Bugfix: auto-posting news didn't work on server (SoftwareAsset class doesn't exist there).
- Bugfix: auto-uploading of translations also includes related defaults (e.g. EN_AU, EN_GB etc.).
- Bugfix: improved logging when saving an already deleted game (doing a check beforehand now).
- Bugfix: preventing airships (+some other flying troops) to leave map boundaries.
- Bugfix Crashes: rendering reload bar (was 'null' in older maps).
- Bugfix Crashes: when joining a game and it wasn't ready yet ('null' pointer exception).
- Bugfix Crashes: sorting the active games list could crash due to violating general contract for sort.
- bugfix Crashes: when static object is added to a squad.
2023-08-05: Update 2.12.100 - Cruiser Added, Graphics & misc.
- New Unit: "Cruiser", a medium-weight attack ship specialized in anti-air.
- Annihilation+: shows total number of enemies so one knows how many are left!
- Graphics: new ancient head added (Lenin).
- Graphics: Skyscraper relics updated!
- Graphics: misc. relic rocks updated!
- Graphics: blank if graphics are missing (rather than 'red' text with ID).
- Team Games: more clan players allowed if a game is password protected.
- CH01 & CH07: slides updated (minor).
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: auto-submitting latest release notes to Reddit.
- Maintenance: auto-uploading latest translation text after update.
- Bugfix: Clipboard was broken and didn't work anymore (missing jmod for datatransfer added).
- Bugfix: missing jmod modules added.
- Bugfix Crashes: fallback for reload bar if running an older map (with the links missing).
2023-07-24: Update 2.11.98 - Battle Map 05 by the Artist & misc. Balancing incl. Fixes
- Chapter 05: updated the map with additional 3 slides indicating how the Mayans knew about the prophecy (final 3 slides).
- Battle Map 05: Tony, our artist, has created a battle map for also!
- Balancing: napalm about -37% weaker than before (was too powerful).
- Balancing: Assault Robot has no build capabilities.
- Graphics: trees, rocks and misc. other improvements to map art.
- Graphics: desert pine tree added.
- Security Robo: rotates top body to target when shooting (not whole body). Ditto for '66'.
- Guide: Clans playing team games should join the same team. Joining opposing teams on purpose will be appropriately handled by the moderators.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- UI: "Search Utility" popup now auto-focus the text cursor in the input field when the popup is opened.
- UI: larger file selector.
- Audio Output: it's now possible to select the desired audio output channel in the game's settings, i.e. which speakers etc. (desktop only)!
- Home Indicator: home indicator hidden be default on iOS.
- Immersive Mode: immersive mode by default on Android.
- Performance Update: cleanup up random map when starting the game was slow (causing ANRs).
- Grace Period: there is a ~7 second grace period for when someone joins a rated game when no rating points are assessed if the player is eliminated within that period.
- Clan Games: clan members are placed into the same team if they play a game with random join option.
- Clan Games: clan members need to join the same team as their clan mates when going into a team game.
- Clan Games: max. number of clan members for teams games needs to be equal or smaller to the average team size (fairplay).
- Clan Member (or not): now also shown in friend's list.
- Clan Member (or not): also showing for teams (e.g. moderators).
- Clan Member (or not): also showing in search.
- Teaming Flag: will be ignored & hidden if a player joins a clan. The regular clan rules will apply and the teaming flag will have no effect.
- Pending Translations (Moderators): original and translated messages can now be copied (via popup menu).
- Moderation: password resets by moderators are now displayed in the moderator notifications (password is obviously not displayed).
- Moderation: remark added to disabled accounts, i.e. the cannot login, but the login attempt will still show up in the logs.
- Maintenance: compiling to Java 8 (on Desktop) using Java 17 (updated obfuscation).
- Maintenance: i18n-parser updated to 3.0.0 (from 2.1-SNAPSHOT).
- Maintenance: update for development and test mode functionality (code clarity & customization).
- Maintenance: getdown deployment speed up by uplading a zipped file (instead of many single files).
- Maintenance: GeoIP database updated (latest version).
- Maintenance: improved logging when there is a library linkage problem (e.g. JARs missing or wrong).
- Maintenance: libGDX backend updated to version 1.12.0 (from 1.11.0).
- Maintenance: updated LWJGL library from 3.3.2 (from 3.3.1).
- Maintenance: minimum iOS version now 11.0 (no support for older versions due to missing support by Apple).
- Maintenance: iOS binaries now all 64bit (32bit support dropped by Apple).
- Bugfix: hosted troops in yet another host cannot exit (would prevent host from moving).
- Bugfix: fixing vulnerability for Google Play login. See
- Bugfix: players already in a clan cannot create a new clan (they will need to leave their current clan first).
- Bugfix: iOS Apps were not running on Mac OS X Silicon (M1, M2 etc.). Search path for libraries updated.
- Bugfix: also keeping track if failed login attempts via provider, i.e. when no username/password but platform-based login was used (fail after 3 attempts).
- Bugfix: earlier check making sure banned accounts don't enter matchmaker games (failed too late).
- Bugfix: improved audio on desktop (should not stop anymore).
- Bugfix: stereo audio on desktop can now be played on mono output devices.
- Bugfix: Cron scheduler wasn't working properly during winter-summer time switches.
- Bugfix: rendering was wrong for hosted units not in the host, i.e. they were rendered mostly black rather than grayscale!
- Bugfix: making sure "drivers" don't exit a vehicle unless they could theoretically move back inside (blocked location)!
- Bugfix Crashes: when exiting the application and disposing observers which haven't been registered yet.
- Bugfix Crashes: when playing old maps which haven't been updated and are missing components ('null').
- Bugfix Crashes: when looking at unloading info in squad pose of non-movable object.
- Bugfix Crashes: when no logged-in account could be detected.
- Bugfix Crashes: when allocating direct ByteBuffer and receiving an out of memory error (now replaced with error image and logging).
2023-06-15: Update 2.10.85 - Campaign Chapter 07 & Battle Map 04
- Campaign Chapter 07: for now the final chapter of Agent Johnson's story!
- Battle Map 04: added as downloadable map featuring a "Battle Royale" scenario.
- Battle Map 02: Random Continental Scenario 2 vs. the AI.
- Added Security Robo: security robo added that can shoot bullets.
- Added In-Game '66': 66 now with in-game graphic as part "Security Robo" (with his builder head).
- Added to Tech Tree: "Weaponized Robots" technology added which allows building of security robos.
- Missile Defense: now listed under "Defense" (not "Infrastructure").
- Missile Defense: increased firing detection (so they don't miss incoming nukes).
- Attack: attack against hosted units removed (for performance).
- Commando Robot (+Assault Robot): now rotating to attack target.
- Commando Robot: reduced strength of Photon weapons by 50% (balancing).
- Barge & Troop Transport Balancing: slightly stronger against torpedoes, so they cannot be destroyed that quickly.
- Agent Johnson: has a gun and can shoot now.
- Robo Dog: updated graphics and "energy" animation during melee attacks.
- Old Table /w Computer: graphics updated.
- Mayan Cave: floor graphics for Mayan cave added (in addition to regular cave).
- Photon Weapons: animation is more subtle now.
- Danger Zone Indicator: there is now an indicator on the map showing when an imminent nuke or orbital attack is expected!
- Satellite Attacks: delayed by 4 seconds showing a danger zone indicator on the map.
- Research Center: building a research center is now disabled when research is not available in a scenario/mission.
- AI: updated to allow "Battle Royale" planning (needs fine-tuning).
- AI: Research Center now being built with lower priority.
- AI: limiting structures to be built even if they were researched (more focused).
- AI: updated to also do larger-scale attacks with more troops (limited to higher level AI).
- AI: sniper-type attack added.
- Tutorial: the advanced mission tutorial now also explains how to conduct research.
- Reload Bar: each unit that shoots nukes now shows a reload bar until we can shoot again.
- UI: if we open loot crates and obtain income, it is now written in larger text, to make it clear as to what actually happened.
- UI: mini map now showing objects that are being deconstructed.
- Sound FX: addition sound FX for Agent Johnson!
- Sync. Bugfix: joining a multiplayer game that would then autostart because it became full, would result in the AI being out of sync (the AI did not properly move).
- Sound FX: effect added for non-dual turret bullet guns.
- Modding: animator for animated images/etc. now directly available in modding editor via "Tool"-menu.
- Modding: option to set a trigger condition for a certain research to have been reached.
- Modding: editor now allows removing hosted units when editing/viewing a unit (via [Remove] button).
- Modding: updated the modding manual in-game to describe the various component parameters that are used when defining a map object.
- Formatting: support for monospaced texts integrated (ASCII only). Code tags "{MONO}" which is new, and "{CODE}" which is now working.
- Formatting: support for color multiplication inside a text when using {TINT:...|M}.
- Disabling AI: rated games require the AI to be enabled in multiplayer games for balancing reasons. If the AI option is disabled, a game needs to be set to non-rated.
- Release History: now shown within the game via settings screen under "History".
- Release/Latest: the latest release information is now shown if you are running a new version and there is versioning information available.
- Announcement Board: moved the announcement link data to a different table, so announcement will appear blank/different until everyone has the latest version.
- Announcement for New Releases: the announcements for the latest update are now auto-generated for both the player and moderator walls.
- Clan Owners: owners cannot expel or change privileges of other owners.
- Clan Owners: owners can now leave the clans if there's another owner on the clan.
- Clan Owners: owners cannot leave the clan if there are other players and there is no other owner. They need to designate another owner before leaving.
- Clan Owners: owners leaving the clan and being the last members means the clan will get deleted after a confirmation.
- Tutorial: popup added to the intro mission, which offers to go directly to the advanced tutorial mission.
- Fullscreen Mode: auto-fullscreen mode at startup when run via Steam (unless it's not the first time you run the game).
- Sound FX: max. simultaneous sound FX increased to 64 (from 32) to make sure all relevant ones can be played.
- Cutscene Music: the music volume for cutscenes can now be adjusted manually.
- Settings: option to enable or disabled handicaps by default in newly created games (rather than manually adjusting them every time).
- Chat Bans: moderator accounts cannot be banned from the chat by regular players (e.g. that created a game).
- Moderator Email: now available via the "Moderators" group profile!
- Manual: In-Game FAQ updated to let everyone know that randomly banning players in the chat goes against the fair-play policy amongst other.
- Language: font updated with additional glyphs for rendering.
- Language: re-formatted instructions for translations, API access, modding and such.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Performance: minor performance improvements.
- Maintenance: news DB & I/O removed as it isn't used anymore.
- Maintenance: improved compression for main font file (about 35% smaller).
- Maintenance: WebGL's gdx-teavm updated to 1.0.0-b5 (teavm 0.9.0-dev-4).
- Maintenance: WebSockets updated to Draft 6455.
- Maintenance: Jetty updated to 9.4.51.
- Maintenance: Steam SDK updated to 1.57.
- Maintenance: steamworks4j library update to 1.10.0-SNAPSHOT (latest 2023-06-04).
- Maintenance: using getAuthTicketForWebApi() for login on Steam.
- Maintenance: Droid login functionality upgraded from 20.4.0 to 20.5.0.
- Maintenance: Droid AppCompat version updated to 1.6.1 (from 1.2.0).
- Maintenance: Google Play Billing library upgraded to 6.0.0 (from 5.0.0).
- Maintenance: disabling registration on server during automated lab-tests (e.g. Firebase).
- Maintenance: partly updated logging and development mode.
- Bugfix: matter amount show if greater than '0' even if map building is disabled (fixed bug in Chapter 02/Mission 01).
- Bugfix: the tutorial is now also marked as completed even if not all steps have been completed, as long as the final task was successful.
- Bugfix: skipping ahead in advanced tutorial when the aircrafts are loaded into the carrier (to prevent a stuck tutorial mission).
- Bugfix: improved handling when a music file is not found (we check for file beforehand).
- Bugfix: Popup with who vs. who info at start of game would not always been shown in multiplayer matches (if we were synced too far ahead).
- Bugfix: setting a rally point to e.g. a ship, that is/would move out of reach would result in the unit get suck in a factory.
- Bugfix: selecting monospaced font keeps the text monospaced (e.g. admin terminal).
- Bugfix: platforms without monospaced font would show monospaced text blank (instead of the default font).
- Bugfix: Battle Royale objective didn't remove objects in doomed area.
- Bugfix: Battle Royale objective declared the wrong player to be the winner.
- Bugfix: cutting long country names in statistics (so they don't overflow to next line).
- Bugfix: WebSocket connection didn't properly work (wrong wrapper chosen on LIVE-server).
- Bugfix: Quick Join games weren't working (due to nested transaction error).
- Bugfix: Permissions fix for latest Android SDK version 33 (should now be able to select images).
- Bugfix Crashes: when viewing hittable object information and the object was changed.
- Bugfix Crashes: trying to move a non-movable object via squad movement.
- Bugfix Crashes: re-try starting the application with OpenGL ES 2.0 ANGLE ON or OFF (if the other method fails and the application crashes).
- Bugfix Crashes: making sure the game doesn't crash if the game had an old icon-array but new code (array out of index exception).
- Bugfix Crashes: game would crash on Droid when the achievements client couldn't be initialized at startup.
- Bugfix Crashes: when loading a newer map with an oder version of the game.
- Bugfix Crashes: when exiting a multiplayer match and the UI polls the networking the disposed networking interface yet again.
- Bugfix Crashes: making sure we don't open the user popup if there is no logged-in user.
- Bugfix Crashes: when tournament advancement status could not be determined, i.e. 'null'.
- Bugfix Crashes: when the monospaced font could not be loaded (continuing without).
- Bugfix Crashes: removed "installscript_osx.vdf" from the Steam binary because it has become obsolete and some stuff was causing problems on Mac OS M1/M2 (symlink)!
- Bugfix Crashes: Universal Binaries for Mac OS should now work on both AMD64 and ARM64 (M1, M2) architectures.
2023-02-22: Update 2.9.78 - Campaign Chapter 06 & Research Tree
- Campaign: Chapter 06 added. The latest on Agent Johnson and his mission to find his family!
- Tech Tree: the tech tree is now fully accessible in-game and allows to research all other tech. It can optionally be disabled and optionally be set to start with no advanced tech at all.
- Added "Research Center": produces research points to advance the tech tree.
- Added "Tech Snatcher": can steal tech from enemy units.
- Commando Robot: new Commando Robot that shoots "Photon Bolts". The other robot is still buildable by ELC and shoots Rockets.
- Control Allied & Enemy Units: fun mode "Map Control" added where you are able to control all the troops on the map, including enemy units!
- King of the Hill (Goal): improved rendering of enemy timer when the structure is under enemy control.
- Ancient: they can now also build shielded harvesters and shielded uranium miners.
- AI: now able to perform research also including construction of research centers.
- Balancing: Dogs have slightly weaker melee attack.
- Balancing: Helicopters with slightly stronger defense against missile attacks.
- Balancing: Fluffy, the dog, can now detect cloaked units when in vicinity.
- Balancing: Ancients can now also access orbital nukes.
- Balancing: Tech tree adjusted so it makes more sense in regards to research available.
- UI: improved by removing buttons with 'x' so it looks less cluttered.
- UI: joining a game now allows selecting the faction color also!
- UI: generic faction names updated (without color in the name, as the color is now selectable).
- UI: hiding time of day, solar flare and wind information on narrow screens (to remove clutter).
- UI: minor update for rankings table coloring.
- UI: map filter allowing to search locally installed map scenarios by number of players, teams and if balanced or not.
- Editor: dropdown for rotation & clicking the right-mouse button to change orientation are now synced (for clarity).
- Editor: option to edit multiple objects at once (modding).
- Graphics: Outline shader for when troops are hidden behind trees/structures. Must enable full level of details to view it!
- Graphics: Civilian Jeep graphics updated.
- Graphics: Civilian Speedboat graphics updated.
- Graphics: Agent Johnson graphics updated.
- Graphics: Wife, Logan and Penelope graphics updated.
- Graphics: Fluffy graphics updated.
- Graphics: Laborer graphics updated.
- Graphics: Nurse graphics updated.
- Graphics: Militia graphics updated.
- Graphics: icon for "No Driver" updated (minor).
- Graphics: '66' correctly rendered in dialogue when flipped.
- Graphics: cleaned up artifacts for willow tree.
- Graphics: CH01 comic slide 1.19 cave exit graphic updated.
- Modding: IMPORTANT -- please update your existing maps, so the new generic faction icons still work (not showing with new version anymore).
- Modding: Research needs to be enabled for each scenario separately for existing maps (given they need to be updated first!).
- Modding: "setup.hjson" renamed to "style.hjson" (also, the element is called "style" (not "setup") anymore!
- Modding: renamed element "tone" to "hear" (less ambiguous).
- Modding: option to compare (or not compare) altitude for proximity trigger.
- Font: missing glyphs added to bitmap font for misc. languages.
- Achievements: added to Android & iOS.
- Game Listing: the spectators/watch panel has now a [List All...] button that lists all the games in the system across all the servers.
- Steam Browser: now disabled and the game uses a regular browser to open link (some stuff just doesn't work right with the Steam browser).
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: minor spelling fixes.
- Maintenance: login functionality on Droid updated to latest auth-method (potentially reduces problems when logging in?).
- Maintenance: betting setup option also removed from events setup (moderator function).
- Maintenance: Droid updated the use app bundles (*.aab).
- Maintenance: build system updated to gradle 7.6 (from 6.9.2).
- Bugfix: Matter & Uranium Fabricators hat wrong 3D-ordering for lit doors.
- Bugfix: Status Bar icon didn't work due to missing library include.
- Bugfix: killing Logan doesn't trigger "Player Eliminated" anymore in CH05/M03.
- Bugfix: editing an object (e.g. wood stack) doesn't reset its current orientation.
- Bugfix: properly updating the faction dropdown on the multiplayer join-screen (when the current selection was taken).
- Bugfix: preventing players to join another player's faction during LAN games.
- Bugfix: flexible resizing for fixed UI elements via "GUISizeFixFlex" didn't always work properly (wrong initialization).
- Bugfix: approving (or rejecting) a large number of transactions could result in a network timeout because it took too long.
- Bugfix: bugfix for certain HTTP calls having GET/POST and Content-Type wrongly defined.
- Bugfix: pathfinder was initialized to late potentially causing sync-issues between client and server.
- Bugfix: improper screen context size when application exited fullscreen mode via outside call (not from within game).
- Bugfix Crashes: displaying movement info for static object.
- Bugfix Crashes: displaying strength/HP of an object.
- Bugfix Crashes: missing graphics e.g. in modding could produce crashes due to font methods being called outside the render thread.
- Bugfix Crashes: when viewing (but not joining) a game when not logged in.
- Bugfix Crashes: 'Rot' class wasn't properly initialized (on iOS and potentially other platforms).
- Bugfix Crashes: when viewing LIVE standings with ELO.
2022-12-09: Update 2.8.74 - Campaign Chapter 05, Balancing & Misc. Including Bugfixes
- Campaign Chapter 05: the latest story campaign chapter with the cartoon. Follow Agent Johnson on his missions.
- Battle Map 03: now available for download and play. Has a few regular scenarios and also a randomly generated map.
- Tactical Napalm: ballistic missile carrying napalm added.
- Sniper Graphics: updated to better suited graphics.
- Dialogue Character: Logon Johnson added as character.
- End Screen for Campaign: slightly different end screen for a campaign when a mission succeeded or failed (less intrusive).
- Audio: Sound FX for robo deaths updated (non-human now).
- Balancing: slightly increased the cost of shielded tanks (Ancient Tech).
- Balancing: regular ballistic missile (non-nuke, "Tactical Missile") inflicts + 50% more damage.
- Build Queues: reset to default values when the owner changes (e.g. for towns that were taken over).
- Cancelling Upgrades: pressing the [Stop] button now cancels upgrades (e.g. for T-Collectors). The full amount of assets is always returned.
- Website: Rankings now available on the website at
- Website: Release history now available on the website at
- Website: Server status now available on the website
- API Addition: .../arr/
[, ] can be used to query a list with given IDs (e.g. for querying users). See API documentation for details. - API Addition: option to query standings table and ratings of users. See API documentation for details.
- API Addition: profile query now also returns links (if available).
- API: profile pictures are now served cached for 30 minutes.
- Markup: the markdown code for strikethrough has been changed from '--' to '~~'.
- Markup: italic text can now be marked using "*|italic|*".
- UI: Info popup panels now span the whole window height.
- Modding Guide: updated with additional links to the modding tutorial videos.
- Modding Guide: slightly updated with further information regarding image formats and other technical stuff.
- SSL: All websites now switched to secure http, i.e. "https://...".
- SSL: Redirect to secure site at https://... automatically (.htaccess).
- SSL: Error reporter, if chosen to be used, now also uses SSL when sending a report (mail.php).
- Audio: asynchronous audio library now on Droid to improve performance.
- Sync. Errors: wrote a simulation program that tries to find synchronization errors by running & verifying the game update loop and AI.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: some of the supported localizations now also listed for the app store (iOS).
- Language: to prevent abuse, the translation system is now only available to accounts that are 3 days or older (not new accounts).
- Maintenance: main server moved to Hetzner.
- Maintenance: migrated the map download server to a new provider due to cost & misc. (Hetzner).
- Maintenance: Jetty server updated to 9.4.49.
- Maintenance: Multiplayer socket-server logging updated/fixed.
- Bugfix: games would not properly synchronize anymore, if e.g. a transformer tank was transformed on a transport ship (recon grid went out of sync.).
- Bugfix: The [Stop] button would be selectable for T-Collectors, whereas stopping was not possible (auto-job).
- Bugfix: removal of models from maps didn't properly work (errors fixed).
- Bugfix: Server doesn't store initial username as "Contact Name" anymore (wasn't really intended).
- Bugfix: generating explosions/etc. via trigger will not start them in the air (but ground).
- Bugfix Crashes: for old maps with missing assets!
- Bugfix Crashes: for 32bit/64bit mismatch for DLLs (e.g. Discord).
- Bugfix Crashes: when showing movement info panel for troops when the object has been destroyed.
- Bugfix Crashes: when checking if an temporary object belongs to the same team.
- Bugfix Crashes: when joining a LAN game, the application would crash if the required map was not installed, i.e. the required assets could not be loaded.
- Bugfix Crashes: while saving unknown file extensions.
2022-10-13: Update 2.7.64 - Campaign Chapter 04, Balancing, AI, UI, Keyboard Shortcuts & Bugfixes
- Campaign: Chapter 04 with 4 missions & comic released.
- Campaign: option added to reload the mission right away if it failed (instead of going back to the comic first).
- Campaign: CH01/07 comic frame updated (AJ).
- Battle Map 02: 3 vs. 3 scenario added!
- Squads: structures can now also be marked as squads 1-8 for quick access (still not able to move due to obvious reasons).
- Idle Robos: multiple build robos will be assigned to construction if they would be idle otherwise (rather than max. 1).
- Power Grid: improved visualization on map on which areas are powered or not!
- Video Introduction: introduction for GRA Tech (Stealth) at
- Video Introduction: introduction for ELC Tech (Robots and Airships) at
- Video Introduction: introduction for IDB Tech (Hover & Drones) at
- Video Introduction: introduction for Mayan Tech (Decoy & Portals) at
- Video Introduction: introduction for Ancient Tech (Shields) at
- AI: improvement for calculating if we can afford units or not.
- AI: limiting number of aircraft carriers/etc. built if not enough planes are available.
- AI: filling aircraft carrier with troops improved by going to location where there are available planes or helicopters.
- AI: increased building of transport ships and barges.
- AI: limiting number of flying transports construction if too many are unused.
- AI: improved finding of attack locations. Prevents targeting of walls, i.e. focuses on structures of interest more.
- AI: builds bases slightly faster due to better assignment of workers.
- AI: limiting the number of airfields (was too many before).
- AI: not targeting enemy rocks/etc. marked for removal anymore.
- AI: bugfix for determining the percentage of factories already built.
- AI: bugfix for getting stuck trying to capture or loot if the target object was hidden behind fog of war.
- AI: bugfix for not setting build robots back to auto-movement after being transported to e.g. an island.
- AI: bugfix for turning off all production instead of just e.g. the matter to uranium converter (once a certain amount of matter was reached).
- AI Loop: will use less resources e.g. when a game hasn't started yet or is finished (to save energy).
- Attack Radii: now more visible and animated by default.
- Chinook Auto-Unloading (Trial): this is a test to always have chinooks auto-unload their troops when they land. Works nicely in combination with multi-waypaths where they return to e.g. the original destination when unloaded. Please provide feedback!
- UI: Indicator "No Power" added if a structure isn't connected to power.
- UI: not showing parachute in UI for troops (only showing the parachute on the map when parachuting down).
- UI: a more detailed popup for selected units can be opened showing speed, attack and defense parameters etc.
- UI: each faction now has a listing that shows all (1) its troops and (2) its structures.
- UI: tutorial info panel now animated with '>' pointing to the location.
- UI: tutorial info panel has no an animated comic figure.
- Mouse Scroll at Screen Edge: pushing the right mouse button when at the screen edge will scroll the map at 2x speed.
- Mouse Scroll Mini-Map: dragging the overview map will go to the location right away (smooth-movement disabled).
- Keyboard Shortcut HOME: opens the in-game menu (instead of previous 'F10').
- Keyboard Shortcut ESC: now also opens the game menu when in the game (can be disabled as needed).
- Keyboard Shortcut 'H': centers the screen around the commander.
- Keyboard Shortcut 'B': selects all combat ground troops visible on the screen.
- Keyboard Shortcut 'N': selects the next unit of the same type.
- Keyboard Shortcut 'U': opens and closes overview map (instead of previous 'F11').
- Keyboard Shortcut 'Y': detonates an object (if possible).
- Keyboard Shortcuts F01-F24: for map build menu, i.e. to build on the map.
- Keyboard Shortcuts F01-F24: to select hosted troops.
- Keyboard Shortcuts F05(!)-F24: to build troops inside factories.
- Keyboard: shortcuts 'M' and 'N' for chat removed as they interfere with other key bindings. Use ENTER (or ENTER+SHIFT) instead.
- Keyboard & Building: pressing SHIFT during building allows to place 1x1 objects in an area on the map (ditto landmines).
- Balancing: Rocketeer slightly more expensive.
- Balancing: Napalm troops slightly more expensive.
- Balancing: mechanized troops slightly weaker against laser.
- Balancing: troops are now about 20-30% faster to build.
- Balancing: gas extractor for hover takes longer to initialize.
- Balancing: walls are now slightly faster to build.
- Balancing: bombers slightly stronger against missiles.
- Balancing: satellite stations can now be captured by assimilators also.
- Balancing: assimilator restores 50% of health (not just 25%) when taking over.
- Balancing: mobile EMP-field reduced from 5.0 to 4.0 distance. Also, cost of troops improved to prevent them being too powerful.
- Modding: trigger effect added that allows swapping ownership of an object.
- Modding: Agent Johnson's dialogue graphic now also has a version with stubbles. If used, please update your map configuration with the latest bundle.config, otherwise Agent Johnson will render without head.
- Modding: spawning now possible without unit inside. For example, spawning a commando robot now possible without commander.
- Modding: please apply the latest bundle.config and re-upload the maps to have the latest functionality incl. icons integrated - Thanks!
- Modding: option to set an AI difficulty level when testing a scenario.
- Graphics: slight performance improvement rendering scaled animations (by not trying to crop).
- Graphics: improved compression of animations for frames that have the same color (combined).
- Graphics: improved layout of UI elements on small screens (also works better on 1280x720 for e.g. recordings).
- Sound FX: audio effects for targeting are only repeated if (1) a unit or group has stopped moving or (2) a new selection was initiated.
- Manual: explained that multiplayer games can potentially be deleted by the moderators (e.g. ganging in non-gang games, farming of rating points etc.).
- Manual: explained in more detail that circumventing the spam filter via modified binary might result in appropriate actions against a player.
- Admin Guide: the information how to access the moderator inbox has been moved from the pinned post into the admin guide. It's the "Moderator Email" section.
- Discord Game SDK: integrated so the status is correctly displayed in Discord. There is also an option to spectate or join games now.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: texts updated to better describe what certain structures do (e.g. need harversters for ore refinery).
- API: added more details when the API for "play" and "game" gets queried.
- API: functionality "ro-enrol" added to query users as to which "play" and "game they are enrolled in, including their status (e.g. if turn was entered).
- API: manual updated with latest information how to access "ro-enrol" for plays and games.
- Steam Binary | IMPORTANT: I updated the Steam binary to better support Mac OS on M1 CPU. It's possible that the update inside Steam doesn't properly work, especially on Windows. Please uninstall the game first, then reboot and then reinstall if you are having problems. In some cases, also delete "jre" directory inside the game's folder inside Steam before reinstalling it. Sorry for the troubles.
- Launcher: better auto-detection how the game is launched (e.g. itch or gj).
- Maintenance: logging improved to proper track socket servers to verify the properly exit.
- Maintenance: updated to Google Billing 5.0.0 (from 4.0.0).
- Maintenance: updated Droid to version 13 (API 33).
- Maintenance: reducing jars required when running the status bar daemon (less likely to not work).
- Maintenance: improved performance when outputting FPS, MEM etc. overlays.
- Internal: boot-animation now based on internal video clip format (more customizable).
- Bugfix: troops with auto-attack disabled would potentially still attack enemy structures when they were in the way!
- Bugfix: making sure build robots still build in different sectors even if some robots had auto-movement turned off (prevented anything from being built)
- Bugfix: map does not continue scrolling when the game window is out of focus.
- Bugfix: plane wreck 03 could not be removed by the build robots (potentially blocking the AI from working correctly).
- Bugfix: robo mechanic would not automatically repair troops (was only checking structures which it could not repair anyways).
- Bugfix: intro mission tutorial not working properly if less than 3 battle battle tanks were fully built before the last 4.+ one was constructed.
- Bugfix: connection error to Steam API prevented players from logging in (API call rewritten from direct socket call to URL connection).
- Bugfix: no trying to unload planes and helicopters when a carrier or battle ship move to the coast.
- Bugfix Crashes: potential fix for crashes when a game is exited to quickly (before it really started).
- Bugfix Crashes: if the clipboard couldn't be obtained.
2022-08-14: Update 2.6.59 - Campaign Chapter 03, Balancing, Movement, UI & AI
- Campaign Chapter 03: next campaign chapter with 4 missions & comic released.
- Battle Map 02: randomly generated maps now use "full shroud" where none of the map is visible.
- Battle Map 02: additional randomly generated map scenarios added.
- Random Map Generator: improving spacing between factions (so they are not next to each other).
- Balancing: max. number of hosted troops is now 8 (instead of 6). However, factories producing troops are now limited to a max. of 4 (instead of 6) hosted troops.
- Balancing: chinooks can now host 5 troops (instead of 4).
- Balancing: barges can now host 8 troops (instead of 6).
- Balancing: min. distance to beach for wall & gate building removed (walls can now be built anywhere again no matter how far from the beach).
- Balancing: small power pole slightly weaker.
- Balancing: ground turret and transformer turret had too strong of a defense against bombs (additional '0' gave it 10x the defense by mistake).
- Balancing: cloak vision range for radar slightly shorter.
- Balancing: dogs have vision for cloaked troops when next by.
- Balancing: cost-performance ratio for Fusion Plant fixed so it makes sense in the grand scheme of things.
- Movement: troops are now attacking walls/gates if they are in the way where they are going.
- Movement: resetting a job-target if the movement target was replaced.
- Movement: harvesters can now be sent to locations manually to mine (overrides auto-mining).
- Movement & Job-Scheduling: builder robots too slow to respond with e.g. 12 AI players. Better assignment of build robots to job locations (also updated fixing robots).
- Graphics: desert tile added.
- Graphics: misc. razed graphics for chairs, altars, antenna and pillars.
- Graphics: hellfire huey had the stationary rotor blades placed to far down (moved to proper location).
- Graphics System: changed to using the ANGLE wrapper for OpenGL starting with just Windows 10+ (instead of Windows 8+).
- Game Loop: improved loading of troops into multiple hosts (e.g. 50 tanks into 25 heavy lifts).
- AI: AI now runs on a separate thread increasing the speed of the update loop! Also, the AI can now run many more calculations at the same time as it won't affect the main core loop anymore.
- AI: crash handling added so that when the AI crashes (generally rare), it is restarted internally (rather than letting the game crash).
- AI: not rebuilding destroyed structures right away anymore (to get them destroyed right away yet again).
- AI: stronger AI focuses more on attack by not building landmines.
- AI: not wasting assets on matter and uranium fabricators at start of the game anymore.
- AI: considering locations where they have factories or misc. production facilities as base centers also.
- AI: more careful when opening loot crates (considering some are booby traps).
- AI: casual AI doesn't build walls and perimeter defenses.
- Modding: trigger condition for proximity now allows excluding nukes & stuff if desired (checkbox added).
- Modding: triggers with forever or multi-action will not trigger again until the trigger condition becomes false first.
- Modding: map generator updated to also consider sand/desert tiles.
- Modding: hidden spawn area added (in addition to the visible one). In case the spawn area should not be shown on the map.
- Modding: "Auxiliary" factions, e.g. "Pan-Am Auxiliary", added for the main factions (for campaign story).
- Modding: option for "full shroud" added which completely hides a map and it's land/terrain outlines.
- UI: reworked how hosted troops are shown. Improved the display for factories. Also, hosted troops are shown as well if multiple units are selected on the map.
- UI: also showing the actual number of selected troops if they are 2+.
- UI: 3D-effect for campaign button added so it's more clear it can be clicked!
- UI: FPS or memory consumption display can now be turned ON/OFF anytime (without exiting the game).
- UI: option for LAN-games now also available in the "Multiplayer" section of the game.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: misc. minor spelling fixes!
- Performance: AI now runs on a separate thread.
- App Size: improved and changed some sound FX & music files to reduce app file size.
- Maintenance: Mac OS X signing certificate updated (till 2027-02).
- Internal: internal mail notifier for server status updated to port 465.
- Bugfix: time would drift in multiplayer matches very slowly resulting in a -1 second reset every so often. Smoothing out of time step.
- Bugfix: preventing seams on iOS for zoomed maps (maybe due to retina displays?).
- Bugfix: bombers and other long-range troops would take off and land forever ("flashing"). The fuel level to take off was less than the fuel level when they had to refuel.
- Bugfix: proximity trigger doesn't trigger anymore when the target-location has been destroyed.
- Bugfix: spawning of air units didn't always properly work (e.g. Rocketeers). Also, it could break spawning of other troops also.
- Bugfix: radiation now still appears even if e.g. landmines are placed upon Uranium.
- Bugfix: superiority tank moved to decoy factory (was previously assigned to Mayans but not the factory it could be built).
- Bugfix: random map generator wouldn't properly update the cache after a new map was generated.
- Bugfix: troops not moving in air towards a target when parachuting down.
- Bugfix: selecting the nuke button deselects the current troops incl. squad selection (otherwise the nuke didn't properly work).
- Bugfix: prison & troop transport with soldiers inside were moving to the edge of the map when trying to attack structures/troops.
- Bugfix: robo repairer not always repairing if there were damaged troops also.
- Bugfix: custom keyboard mappings weren't properly saved resetting them when the game was restarted.
- Bugfix Crashes: setting a trigger to patrol between points would result in crashes as the way-object wasn't properly copied and recycled after 1 run.
2022-06-28: Update 2.5.50 - Campaign Chapter 02, Troop Movements and misc. Updates
- Campaign CH02: chapter 02 of the campaign is now available! Sorry for the wait, the comic & missions just took a while to finish.
- Map Building: idle troops will move out of the way when trying to place a structure to make room for the structure!
- Balancing: large structures can now also be affected by EMP.
- Infrastructure: re-ordered road to come up later in the list (not as first item under "Infrastructure").
- Supremacy Objective: slightly increased the victory condition to end slighlty less early.
- Movement (Attack): not moving away from target when attacking and already close by.
- Movement (Bombers): long-range bombers (or general long-range planes) don't need to be fully refueled to take off again.
- Placing & Radii: building radii are now also shown when a structure, e.g. a turret, is being place on a map!
- Map Downloads: the download and list of maps now indicated if a map used an older version or is customly modded.
- Settings: option "Thick Unit Radii" to show distances of troops with thicker outline (so it's easier to see).
- AI: also considers smaller locations for a base if existing structures are present (will start building troops/etc.).
- Graphics: animation when a structure is affected by solar flare activity.
- Graphics: animation when a large structure is affected by EMP.
- Modding: all the files needed for modding, i.e. the bundle.config and imported files, are now inside the binary! You don't have to download the latest version from the website anymore. They are located in the user_rco/mod/* directory inside the binary. The template has been removed from the website as a consequence.
- Modding: the folder on how to do "custom" modding is now included with the binary also. To link to the "include.hjson" you can use the parameter "$DEFAULT.INC" in the import list and it references the latest template inside the binary.
- Modding: to do custom modding by modifying the default files, please copy the template from inside the binary to another folder on your computer. Changes will otherwise overwritten by future updates!
- Modding: maps with older balancing will now be marked with a warning "old config" in the download section! Please update your maps with the latest configuration and upload again to have the warning hidden.
- Modding: Custom modded maps will be marked as "custom" in the download section.
- Modding: 'typeOrder' just below 'type' allows to order structures to be built in the build menu (the higher the integer/ID the later in the list).
- Modding: parameter 'lenReady' defines the fuel level at which a plane (e.g. bomber) can still take off.
- Modding: it's now possible to remove models from a map (use carefully!).
- Modding: inverse trigger pre-condition can now be set for triggers also, i.e. if not true.
- Modding: renamed "Activate Map" to "Focus Camera" for the triggers to make it more clear what the effect does!
- Modding: if affected by solar flare now defined via parameter "modFlare" (instead of just being defined via the energy item).
- Menu UI: making it more clear where to find the campaigns. Also better coloring for the campaign panel.
- Sound FX: added a sound FX when a dog was killed.
- Investigation: investigated tutorial award not given out for when the tutorial was completed. Seems to give out the awards just fine, i.e. cannot reproduce problem).
- Manual: manual updated explaining that "Blackmail" is not acceptable behavior.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Bugfix: deconstructing a structure would result in the assets to be returned multiple times if multiple build robots were used.
- Bugfix: making sure rockets don't pass through cave walls. Fixes
- Bugfix: the barge couldn't be recycled (was not listed in the small shipyard).
- Bugfix: dogs couldn't be healed (where not listed in the corresponding structures).
- Bugfix: tooltips in menu screens also show when scroll panel is activated.
- Bugfix Crashes: during custom modding if either walls or gates were not available, i.e. 'null', the AI would crash.
2022-06-08: Update 2.4.47 - Roads Building, Walls Placing, Balancing, Modding & Bugfixes
- Road Building: it's now possible to do road building.
- Wall Building: walls need to now be slightly placed away from the beach.
- Balancing: Fighter Jets stronger in attack and defense against missiles. The jet also travels slightly further.
- Balancing: Bullet Tank/etc. was too strong Reduced the attack ranges of all troops with "Dual Bullets" except for the fighter jet.
- Balancing: Sniper bullet hit points reduced.
- Balancing: Dolphins slightly more expensive?
- Balancing: Portals can now take 2.5x more damage and are slightly cheaper.
- Balancing: Power Bypass can now take 2.5x more damage and is slightly cheaper.
- Balancing: Booby Trap that can be built now stronger and with slightly larger radius.
- Balancing: Shields are now fully blocking napalm and are generally more effective (except EMP). Please read the updated guide for details.
- Balancing: Hovertanks have slightly higher HP and run faster on land than most other tanks.
- Balancing: Superiority tank is now weaker against air targets (about 50% of original offensive capability). Also slightly more expensive and armor reduced.
- Balancing: Snipers are now with ELC (Robots & Airships).
- Balancing: Superiority tanks are now with the Mayans.
- Balancing: Cloaked troops have a slower rate of firing.
- Balancing: Radar tower can detect stealth troops further out.
- Balancing: Drones have slightly stronger defense against missiles.
- Balancing: Rocketeer moves faster.
- Balancing: Vehicles (e.g. Tactical Submarine) with nukes take now longer to reload.
- Balancing: Militia soldiers now weaker.
- Balancing: Turret ranges extended to make them more useful.
- Official Events: there was a bug in the verification code preventing an official event game from being started ('null' pointer).
- Chapter 01 (default map): updated the missions and fixed some inconsistencies with the comic. Also update Mission 03 to make it slightly easier by having Fluffy show the way for people that cannot find the portal.
- Battle Map 02: background music is now also used for the randomly generated map!
- Modding: update for trigger condition for obtaining assets to also allow to trigger for total held (not only increment).
- Modding: old bench graphic, chairs, altars etc. added.
- Modding: additional dialogue character added in addition to to "Major Tom".
- Modding: specific units and structures can now be disabled for each faction (e.g. for campaign where not everything should be available just yet).
- Modding: remove the "include_all.hjson" (not that troops and structures can be blacklisted within the editor). If you made custom modifications, simply include the "include.hjson" (given the include_all.hjson has been removed as it is redundant).
- Modding: there is now a map object that can be used to adjust wind to 0%, respectively 100% (intended to be used in combination with triggers).
- Modding: option to set the initial shield strength when placing shielded troops.
- Modding: default map screenshot directory is now the same directory as where the edited map resides.
- Modding: example added on how to add custom mouse cursors (select-cursor).
- Modding: template.ZIP updated with the latest. Please update your map with the latest template if you are using the dialogue characters. Some of the internal IDs for dialogue graphics are slightly altered!
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: improved descriptions for "All Maps & Modding" and "Modded Maps". For "Modded Maps" you get ALL the modded maps (not just a single map). It just excludes official maps.
- Language: misc. fixes for spelling.
- Bugfix: squad reset to 'null' if a unit component is recycled (probably didn't cause any problems).
- Bugfix: binary 2.3.43 didn't have fluffy. Added in small patch.
- Bugfix: Robo Mechanics didn't properly repair tanks (job-function) when alone or when in squad.
- Bugfix: exporting factories and some other graphics didn't work due to images sizes being 0x0 or negative (mirorred).
- Bugfix: custom display scaling correctly initialized when the game is restarted.
- Bugfix: tooltip for awards properly reset when touch is gone (could stay visible for long-touch!). Fixes
- Bugfix: network adapter on Android + iOS should now show the correct local IP (not
- Bugfix: making sure that the Advanced tutorial mission doesn't get stuck when moving fighter jets onto the carrier. Fixes
- Bugfix: spawning didn't properly work if only a commander and no support troops were defined. Fixes problems in "3vs3..." map.
- Bugfix: dialogue character size increased to 400x420px (from 400x400px) so the helmet for Major Tom doesn't get cut off in full portrait view.
- Bugfix: near condition is not triggered for events when the trigger is removed (would automatically execute when removed).
- Bugfix: trigger for intro mission tutorial and moving to enemy coast triggered too early (by non-movable vision object).
- Bugfix Crashes: when creating a new campaign mission, the default figure head for failed missions wasn't set.
- Bugfix Crashes: when inspecting the group of a player while not joined (e.g. spectating).
- Bugfix Crashes: during squad movement when there was no beach/coast area available (i.e. 'null').
2022-05-21: Update 2.3.43 - Bugfix for Desync. in Multiplayer Game, Modding Update & Bugfixes
- Sync. Error: the AI modified a random number generator in the core game loop it shouldn't cause all clients to be out of sync after a short time (butterfly effect).
- Sync. Error (minor): auto-entering a captured unit such as a chinook could potentially lead to synchronization issues (code removed).
- Modding Intro: there is now a introduction video for modding available on YouTube at
- Modding /w Custom Units: explains how to create your own custom units and such. Available on YouTube at
- Modding: the editor now allows exporting the raw object graphics used by the game. Available via "Export Graphics" in the [Edit] menu. This can be used as a starting point to potentially fully customize troops and structures and more.
- Modding: the "custom" folder in a template.ZIP now contains a working tank model example on how to add e.g. a custom tank graphics. Comments included!
- Modding: I updated the template.ZIP with the latest fixes and balancing (e.g. bullet hovertank with wrong sound FX). Please apply it and upload a map update if you have the map uploaded to the server. Thanks!
- Modding Manual: updated with image formats and sound formats supported. Also further detail on map uploads and versioning.
- Modding: 2-figure dialog can now also be configured to have the 1. figure blank (just on right-hand side). Used in campaign and for triggers.
- Modding: Fluffy added as dialogue character (pending final graphics). template.ZIP updated also.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: keeping better track of sync. errors in the 'pass'-grid by storing additional details.
- Bugfix: change the '+' keyboard shortcut to '=' key as it seems to work more reliably (can be adjusted in the settings as needed).
- Bugfix: the redirect to a website didn't work on Steam if the Steam overlay was disabled.
- Bugfix: there was a crash creating a multiplayer game.
- Bugfix: updating a map with custom assets didn't properly retain the new assets during the update (it required re-loading the map to properly work).
- Bugfix: spawning function only spawns the commander once (no commander re-spawn).
- Bugfix: setting up a trigger that spawns troops didn't work properly.
- Bugfix Crashes: if the job target had the wrong type (possible due to sync. error?).
- Bugfix Crashes: if a host we move to had the wrong type, i.e. not a host.
2022-05-18: Update 2.2.41 - Hosting Games now Free & Steam DLC to Unlock Current & Future Maps incl. Campaign
- Steam DLC "All Maps & Modding": the game can now be also purchased also via the "All Maps & Modding" DLC. This includes everything for single player including the campaign, LAN or WAN games. This covers the same as the corresponding "All Maps & Modding" that is available in-game.
- Steam DLC Purchasing Options: I removed the other options for purchasing maps (based on player feedback). It's just "All Maps & Modding" (either via DLC or in-app). If you made a purchase for a single map or you purchased just modding, you might want to get a refund, given there is now no more other options to complete the set on Steam. Contact me under user "noblemaster" in-game via private message and ask for the refund. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Hosting Games: hosting games over the official servers is now free. The original goal was to cover hosting fees but also encourage players to join other players' games. Given hosting games is now free, giving 5 coins per day to each player isn't really needed anymore and the amount has been reduced to 1 coin a day.
- Maps Updated: default map and "Battle Map 02" now also have a 1 vs. 1 scenario.
- AI: the AI should now build troops early on in the 4 vs. 4 vs. 4 scenario (BM 02). It should also build troops earlier in other maps.
- AI NOTE: I'm aware the AI needs some more work. I'll spend some time, but there are quite a few smaller things that I need to focus on first incl. bugs. Please wait.
- Map Zooming: the minimum and maximum zoom level can now be configured in the settings. It's now possible to zoom in up to 2x of the original and zoom out 2x further. Please note, zooming out too far might potentially cause performance issues for rendering on some devices.
- Display Scaling: the display scale factor setting had the scale into the wrong direction. It's now fixed. If you had it set before, it was reset due prevent problems. Please re-apply your setting again, sorry for the inconvenience.
- Mouse Middle Button: the mouse middle button (if available; possibly "merged" with mouse wheel) allows dragging the map when pressed.
- Key Binding: Grave character '`' with follow-up '1' to '9' will select a ICBM. Grave button can be configured in the settings.
- Key Binding: pushing the SHIFT key during ICBM selection will select up to 4 ICBMs (instead of 1) if available.
- Key Binding: F10 will now bring up the game menu with settings & exit option when pressed in-game. F10 can be configured via settings.
- Key Binding: F11 for opening and closing the mini map (can be configurated via in-game settings).
- Key Binding: '+' and '-' can be used to adjust the speed factor (keys can be remapped in the settings as needed).
- Key Binding: key binding 'G' for dropping the flag was only listed but not actually implemented.
- Key Binding for Editor: '1' to '9' to select terrain to draw.
- Key Binding for Editor: '+' and '-' to add or remove map objects.
- Tooltip Delay: reduced the default from 1000ms to 800ms. Also, the tooltip delay can now be adjusted inside the game's settings.
- UI: alignment fixed for start game button compared to faction selection panel.
- Balancing: Commando Robot is now more expensive.
- Balancing: Orbital laser now more expensive.
- Balancing: Robo Defuser has slightly more HP.
- Balancing: Soldiers, snipers and spies have reduce HP (500 instead of the usual 750).
- Balancing: Snipers are more expensive and a larger reload duration, i.e. shoot slower.
- Balancing: Battleship has slightly more HP and slightly cheaper.
- Balancing: Airship more expensive.
- Modding: I updated the template.ZIP with the latest fixes and balancing (e.g. bullet hovertank with wrong sound FX). Please apply it and upload a map update if you have the map uploaded to the server. Thanks!
- Modding: map trigger points now also show for which events they are used.
- Modding: map triggers are now number starting from 1, i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc. so they are easier to spot.
- Formatting: {SKEW} tag now formats text in italics.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Language: misc. spelling bugfixes.
- Maintenance: updated the backend libGDX library to 1.11.0 (LWJGL at 3.3.1). If you are on Mac OS X, you might have to re-install the binary if you got it (a) via or (b) our website. Sorry for the inconvenience!
- Steam API: update the API calls to the Steam servers from v1 to v2/v3 with support for 64bit. Potentially resolves problems?
- Investigated: investigated the error "not enough players to start" for private games. Could not reproduce. Based on screenshots, this is caused by a connection error, i.e. still connecting to game.
- Bugfix: selecting a squad key, e.g. '1'-'8' on the keyboard a second time for a squad will center the map around the squad.
- Bugfix: placing bombers into a squad could potentially have them drop their bombs on their own based. Disabled squad formation update for bombers and such to prevent one from nuking their own base.
- Bugfix: the bullet hovertank made a sound effect for laser when in combat (effect removed).
- Bugfix: build robots could get stuck trying to go to unreachable locations (blocked by other buildings but generally reachable). The build location is re-tried differently if it failed.
- Bugfix: the orbital radar (and probably orbital laser/EMP) didn't work in unexplored territory. The placing failed because the territory was unexplored and nothing happened.
- Bugfix: TAB-key could change the keyboard focus preventing the map to be scrolled via ASDW and arrow keys.
- Bugfix: if a timer was set, the timer running out in "Escort" and "Rescue" objectives would count as a victory rather than loss.
- Bugfix: if multiple target objectives where defined by "Escort" and "Rescue", they would count up too many times.
- Bugfix: the tutorial intro mission got stuck when the build robots were unloaded 1-by-1 rather than via the button indicated.
- Bugfix: (box-)select was not working when in the tutorial (offset was wrong due to additional panel).
- Bugfix: updated the tutorial text to say that loot-crates are never random but always predetermined.
- Bugfix: Robo 66 removed from chapter 01 due to inconsitencies with the comic. He'll appear later. My apologies!
- Bugfix: The MP drone said "strong against missiles". It meant in defense against AA-missiles. Text removed as not correct.
- Bugfix: internal map verification before saving added (to prevent potential problems if one were to test a map).
- Bugfix: parsing the bundle.config during modding could potentially fail (bad threading).
- Bugfix Crashes: recycling units could cause crashes due to list entries becoming 'null', while we still went through the list.
- Bugfix Crashes: while having a way-path to a host unit that wasn't actually a host (way-type gone wrong).
2022-05-11: Update 2.1.38 - Steam EARLY ACCESS
- Steam: EARLY ACCESS release.
- Campaign: Chapter 01 with mission 01-03 and comics is now complete! All missing slides have now been added.
- Battle Map: new Battle Map 02 added with custom background music and map generator.
- AI: base-building less spread out and more compact especially on continental maps.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Bugfix Sync. (Multiplayer/etc.): clients didn't properly sync. for multiplayer due to a bug in the sync-error checker that modified results (rather than just looking at them).
- Bugfix: client version variable was wrong (now correct one chosen for proper output).
- Bugfix: random map generator partly broken as it didn't offset hosted troops and teleporter locations.
2022-05-08: Update 2.0.37 - AI Update & Bugfixes
- Balancing: jeep cannot attack air units anymore.
- Balancing: airship slightly slower and slightly stronger defense.
- Balancing: Turrets slighlty more sturdy but also slightly more expensive.
- Balancing: civilian troops take slightly longer to build.
- Modding: template.ZIP updated with the latest balancing. Please update your maps and apply the changes.
- Graphics: rising electric sparks added.
- Action Entry: when a soldier e.g. enters a jeep, the jeep will be selected and the selection for the soldier reset.
- Action Entry: for loading & unloading from host the mouse/touch-area is reduced or increased depending on the condition.
- AI: base building improved by also considering smaller areas (rather than standing around).
- AI: improvement for opening loot crates (commander).
- AI: improved scouting by allowing a larger range of troops.
- AI: improved ICBM attacks by not all targeting the exact same location.
- AI: improved power producer and accumulator construction (less were actually needed).
- AI: making sure that for harvesting/mining, the AI sends the correct vehicle (that can actually take resources).
- AI: builds more transports. As a side effect, less of the expensive troops are constructed (needs re-balancing).
- AI: Casual & Inhuman AI updated to either prefer (Inhuman) or not prefer (Casual) human targets.
- AI: doesn't build too many ore harvesters any.
- AI: some troops that are of lesser value are generally not produced.
- AI: higher priority for building uranium miners.
- Auto-Movement: robots/etc. don't wander around to turrets/landmines/etc. to prevent getting themselves into danger and destroyed.
- Update Loop: attack calculations increased incl. performance update evaluating potential attack-targets.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Bugfix: bugfix for syncing multiplayer games. Squad speed wasn't reset when a unit was removed from a squad.
- Bugfix: random join now also let's you select the technology!
- Bugfix Crashes: when an object was mining an object that it couldn't harvest.
- Bugfix Crashes: when adding a single unit to a squad that was already in a squad, the movement type reset to 'null' causing crashes amongst other problems.
2022-05-05: Update 2.0.36 - Balancing, Bugfixes and Campaign Mission 01-03
- Campaign: Chapter 01 now has all missions 01-03. That said, the last part of the comic is still missing (soon).
- Balancing: Dual Bullets (e.g. fighter jet) now reach further.
- Balancing: Hovertanks & Hoverships are slightly more expensive.
- Balancing: Gas Extractor now takes 3 minutes (not 2 minutes) to initialize.
- Balancing: commando robot slightly more expensive!
- Troops: Hot-Wired Robo added (can attack structures).
- Multiplayer: unless you upgrade to this version 2.0.36, your client will not properly synced and not display correctly. Doesn't affect LAN as long all players have the exact same version of the client!
- Modding: template.ZIP updated. Please update your maps with the latest version (balancing, etc.).
- Modding: campaign editing enabled also (will need comics though).
- Modding: example added for custom modding how to add and change sound FX ("custom" directory).
- UI: exit button added when a campaign mission is finished.
- UI: tutorial hint panels updated.
- Manual: update for troop descriptions.
- Manual: spawning system explained.
- Graphics: improved grass and plateau graphics.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Performance: only BG music if eye candy is not set to full.
- Bugfix: chinook or heavy transport were attempting to land on water (or other locations).
- Bugfix: no scorched area created above minable locations incl. thermal or T-Crystals (hidden otherwise).
- Bugfix: Sniper added to GRA-tech.
- Bugfix: improved host selection (e.g. teleporter relay) if selected troops are already above it (made entering difficult).
- Bugfix: spawning setup in games will always spawn all players as AI in single player games.
- Bugfix: for modding, parsing the bundle.config & relevant .json files for certain languages produced errors as floating-point numbers were expected to use comma ',' instead of '.'.
- Bugfix Crashes: auto-repair of non-repairable unit that is hosted (e.g. orbital laser without hit-component).
- Bugfix Crashes: when inspecting a unit and it was being destroyed while the dialog was still shown.
- Bugfix Crashes: selecting units with movable non-movable mismatch.
- Bugfix Crashes: when game is over and player doesn't have a rank (e.g. by not joined yet?).
- Bugfix Crashes: when connecting to multiplayer game and the user wasn't properly stored yet.
- Bugfix Crashes: if a player wasn't assigned a user account yet (e.g. LAN-play).
- Bugfix Crashes: when we tell a unit in a squad to mine which cannot mine.
- Bugfix Crashes: AI, when it checks what a unit can mine (but couldn't in general).
2022-04-27: Update 2.0.34 - Tutorial & Campaign Mission 01
- Tutorial: implemented the intro & advanced mission tutorial for the game :-P
- Performance: misc. performance tuning should get the game to run several times faster (game-loop & graphics).
- Balancing: rocketeer slightly more expensive and slightly more weaker.
- Balancing: anti-air tanks and turrets stronger against air targets.
- Balancing: artillery range slightly reduced and battleship slightly more expensive.
- Balancing: Fighter Jets & Helicopter slightly stronger against missiles. Helicopter weaker against bullets. Recon UAV weaker in defines but limited against auto-attack.
- Balancing: Recon Drone & Recon UAV now only auto-attacked by Commando Robot (cost & view adjusted also).
- Accumulators: now also indicates how full it is by looking at it directly!
- Accumulators: now all charge or discharge at the same time.
- Auto-Substitution: Aircraft Carrier & Battleship now auto-substitute lost planes and helicopters (unless disabled). Cost applies.
- UI: misc. UI updates (tweaking).
- AI: AI building less EMP bombers etc. as they are not used properly.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Maintenance: finding targets to shot at run too often (slowing down the game).
- Maintenance: memory consumption of RenderPool reduced (capped the cached items).
- Maintenance: memory consumption of sound FX reduced (empty ones removed).
- Bugfix: Ancient Wall can now properly be removed also.
- Bugfix: double-click and box-select(?) wasn't properly working of non-owned troops were in the area (ignoring non-owned troops).
- Bugfix: selecting own troops with higher priority than other troops (if they share the same location).
- Bugfix: allied mining vehicles will choose distinct area for mining (not share same spot).
- Bugfix: selecting a group of units to repair will not reset the movement-path of troops that don't need repair.
- Bugfix: radius increased when trying to move troops onto transports.
- Bugfix: AI building large power poles again.
- Bugfix: Thaurium crystals now visible on mobile also (was marked as eye candy by mistake).
- Bugfix: ViewImage for overview map was re-created every time (no created only once for performance).
- Bugfix: AFK-players shouldn't win the game anymore, even if they have a higher score.
- Bugfix: bombers would not move correctly and could even leave the map causing problems when forming squads/etc.
- Bugfix Crashes: bugfix crashes finding beach orientation for transports.
- Bugfix Crashes: when moving towards a host that isn't a host.
2022-03-30: Update 2.0.32 - Performance, Balancing & Bugfixes
- Orbital Satellite Stations: can now also be built by a player.
- Terrain: snowy graphics and snowing added.
- Attack Priority: improved the attack (e.g. helicopter), to not prioritize walls anymore but go for armed troops first.
- Attack via Anti-Sub Jets: anti-submarine jets now move over water to drop their torpedoes against submarines/etc.
- Wall Breaker: unit with strong melee-attack against walls added (GFX still missing, i.e. shown as harvester for now).
- UI: Global button added that allows to select and launch ballistic missiles directly without having to select a missile silo.
- Workers: roam around a little bit if idle to reduce likelihood of all of them to be at a single location when attacked.
- Balancing: shortened rain (or snow) and solar flare activity if there is any.
- Balancing: napalm now weaker.
- Balancing: troop costs increased between 15-25%.
- Balancing: satellite base stations require power to charge.
- Balancing: limited troops so e.g. missile tanks can only attack air targets. Also, soldiers are limited to either attack or or ground (but not both).
- Balancing: missile defense slightly more expensive and uses more power.
- Balancing: nukes can be affected by EMP and will not fire.
- Balancing: nukes have limited effectiveness during solar flare activity.
- Manual: updated with latest information.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Performance: update for render performance, i.e. optimized and fixed texture atlas switching.
- Performance: updated scaled-out map view to be about 4-5x faster in rendering.
- Performance: updated the game-loop with direct variable access (instead of method access) for performance.
- Graphics Driver (Windows): updated the graphics driver on Windows to use DirectX via ANGLE framework (wrapper for OpenGL ES 2.0). The performance appears to be the same (not slower). However, on the upside, most if not all graphics issues, especially crashes on Windows due to driver problems, should now be resolved.
- Steam Windows Binary 64bit ONLY: updated the requirement to run the game to 64bit (32bit Windows binary is gone). The reason for the change is that the new ANGLE drivers didn't properly work on 32bit. Based on the Steam hardware survey only 0.38% of players should be affected. If you can't run the game anymore, please use the official binaries provided on the website instead (there is still 32bit). Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Touch Screen: slightly reduced radius when selecting troops on touch-screen.
- Bugfix: default game broadcast, e.g. 1/4 only shown when the owner actually joined a game.
- Bugfix: during network timeouts (or general I/O errors) it was possible for a player to join the same game multiple times.
- Bugfix: troops under EMP freeze where not attacked (were ignored as low priority instead of attacking them).
- Bugfix: harvesters should now hopefully not get stuck anymore (misc. updates for pathing).
- Bugfix: improvement for rally points. Entry/Exit "roads" are kept to prevent troops getting stuck.
- Bugfix: updated the "usage" grid for a player for when a unit changed faction (e.g. by taking over a town). Removes sync. issues.
- Bugfix: text cursor position would not properly work (left/right arrow key) due to unit conversion not being reciprocal.
- Bugfix: making sure the tooltip for starting a game is below the chat window (doesn't interfere anymore).
- Bugfix Crashes: if squad movement type is 'null'.
- Bugfix Crashes: if actor info is 'null' and we show the actor info.
- Bugfix Crashes: improved synchronization for RenderPool.
2022-03-01: Update 2.0.31 - UI & Graphics Update
- UI: in-game UI updated.
- Graphics: latest troop & structure graphics added.
- Box-Select: box-select for airfields now selects the planes inside (if any).
- Balancing: Bombers more expensive.
- Balancing: Geothermal produces more output.
- Supremacy: victory condition updated to the game can end quicker if majority is reached (based on how long the game already runs).
- Performance Update: napalm reduces the framerate too much.
- UI: error icons & text for map building updated.
- Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
- Bugfix: squads not dissolved when attacking "unreachable" location (ships can now attack in-land targets).
- Bugfix: box-select disabled in editor (won't work well otherwise).
- Bugfix: rally exit point not used if it is blocked (defaults to structure's center location).
- Bugfix: for spawning factions, the spawning information is also checked for commando units if they are required, such as for "Supremacy".
- Bugfix: when opening loot box via squad. Was producing infinite income.
- Bugfix Crashes: misc.
2022-02-05: Update 2.0.30 - New Units & Misc.
- Speed Option: 1x, 1.5x, 2x during game setup!
- Non-Team Scenarios added to example map.
- New Units & Structures add (graphics missing).
- Weapon: EMP-Field generator added.
- Balancing for structure costs (maybe too much?).
- Modding template updated.
- UI Update: button sizes reduced/etc.
- Translations added (can now be translated in-game).
2021-12-19: Update 2.0.29 - Bugfix Release
- Save-Files were crashing (incl. multiplayer)
- Improvement for box-select for troops.
- Christmas Tree added.
- Orbital weapon animations updated.
- Bugfixes for squad movement of bombers.
2021-12-18: Update 2.0.28 - Map Generator & Hellfire Huey
- Map Generator: random map generator functionality.
- Comic & Dialogues: integrated (need cleanup).
- Hellfire Huey & Conventional Bomber added.
- Civilian Heliport.
- Underwater Relics.
2021-11-07: Update 2.0.27 - T-Crystals & T-Collector
- T-Collector & T-Crystals added.
- Larger 200x160 map for testing.
- Comic editor added (wip).
- Misc. streamlining for tweens, fonts, etc. (library).
2021-09-14: Update 2.0.25 - Demo Release on Steam
- Demo release on Steam.
2021-05-28: Update 2.0.18 - Release on
- Pre-ALPHA release on
2020-09-12: Update 2.0.2 - Pre-ALPHA Release II
- 2. Unofficial pre-ALPHA release (DEV-Build)
2020-04-22: Update 2.0.1 - Pre-ALPHA Release I
- 1. Unofficial pre-ALPHA release (DEV-Build) on Discord.
2017-08-06: Update 2.0.0 - Development Start
- Development of Retro Commander started.