Release History

Latest Releases

The latest release history in reverse chronological order.

2024-07-08: Update 2.22.137 - Save Games & Restart of LAN Games

2024-04-29: Update 2.21.135 - New Avatar Generators & Menu UI

2024-02-25: Update 2.20.133 - Menu UI Improved, FAST Tournaments & Initial Truce

2024-01-03: Update 2.19.123 - Bugfix Landmines, Balancing, Victory Table

2023-12-23: Update 2.18.122 - Scenario Listing, Balancing & Bugfixes

2023-12-16: Update 2.17.121 - Game Setup UI & Unlimited Building

2023-12-10: Update 2.16.117 - Balancing & Graphics Update

2023-11-18: Update 2.15.108 - Release Candidate for Nov. 25, 2023

2023-10-28: Update 2.14.107 - Balancing, Graphics & Bugfixes

2023-09-18: Update 2.13.101 - Spy Balloon, Sandworms & Fishes

2023-08-05: Update 2.12.100 - Cruiser Added, Graphics & misc.

2023-07-24: Update 2.11.98 - Battle Map 05 by the Artist & misc. Balancing incl. Fixes

2023-06-15: Update 2.10.85 - Campaign Chapter 07 & Battle Map 04

2023-02-22: Update 2.9.78 - Campaign Chapter 06 & Research Tree

2022-12-09: Update 2.8.74 - Campaign Chapter 05, Balancing & Misc. Including Bugfixes

2022-10-13: Update 2.7.64 - Campaign Chapter 04, Balancing, AI, UI, Keyboard Shortcuts & Bugfixes

2022-08-14: Update 2.6.59 - Campaign Chapter 03, Balancing, Movement, UI & AI

2022-06-28: Update 2.5.50 - Campaign Chapter 02, Troop Movements and misc. Updates

2022-06-08: Update 2.4.47 - Roads Building, Walls Placing, Balancing, Modding & Bugfixes

2022-05-21: Update 2.3.43 - Bugfix for Desync. in Multiplayer Game, Modding Update & Bugfixes

2022-05-18: Update 2.2.41 - Hosting Games now Free & Steam DLC to Unlock Current & Future Maps incl. Campaign

2022-05-11: Update 2.1.38 - Steam EARLY ACCESS

2022-05-08: Update 2.0.37 - AI Update & Bugfixes

2022-05-05: Update 2.0.36 - Balancing, Bugfixes and Campaign Mission 01-03

2022-04-27: Update 2.0.34 - Tutorial & Campaign Mission 01

2022-03-30: Update 2.0.32 - Performance, Balancing & Bugfixes

2022-03-01: Update 2.0.31 - UI & Graphics Update

2022-02-05: Update 2.0.30 - New Units & Misc.

2021-12-19: Update 2.0.29 - Bugfix Release

2021-12-18: Update 2.0.28 - Map Generator & Hellfire Huey

2021-11-07: Update 2.0.27 - T-Crystals & T-Collector

2021-09-14: Update 2.0.25 - Demo Release on Steam

2021-05-28: Update 2.0.18 - Release on

2020-09-12: Update 2.0.2 - Pre-ALPHA Release II

2020-04-22: Update 2.0.1 - Pre-ALPHA Release I

2017-08-06: Update 2.0.0 - Development Start